~Well-Read Foodies Savor the Tasty Prose in New Children's Book ~
The Wacky World of Wendy White!
A Whopper of a Tale!
By Barbara Ann Bonilla
Peppered with dozens of hidden food references and marinated
in tangy prose, this is a tasty take on traditional children's fare.
It's a rare treat for eaters of all ages! Well done!
Well-Read Foodies Savor the Tasty Prose in New Children's Book,
"The Wacky World of Wendy White! A Whopper of a Tale!"
Dozens of hidden food references, full-color illustrations and sing-song prose make “The Wacky World Of Wendy White!” a treat for the eyes, ears and brain.
September 12, 2013 – Denver, CO, and New York, NY – Peppered with dozens of hidden food
references and marinated in tangy prose, “The Wacky World of Wendy White! A Whopper of a Tale”
is a tasty take on the traditional children's tale. The new juvenile fiction is published by Outskirts Press.
Whipped up by first-time author and bona fide foodie Barbara Bonilla, “The Wacky World of Wendy
White!” tells the story of two very different families' struggles and successes. The tale centers on
12-year-old Wendy White, a girl of simple tastes, who steps away from the White castle in search of
fun ,food, adventure and camaraderie.
Wendy's journey through many miles and years brims with unexpected turns – and a chance at the
family she always dreamed about. “The Wacky World of Wendy White!” offers readers young and old a
delicious tale with warm lessons in the virtue of patience, persistence and optimism. The beautiful, full
color book is boiling over with snappy rhyming prose, fresh illustration and a heaping helping of saucy
“The Wacky World of Wendy White!” can be ordered by retailers or wholesalers for the maximum trade
discount price set by the author in quantities of 10 or more from the Outskirts Press Direct bookstore at
www.OutskirtsPress.com/bookstore. The book is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as
Amazon and is being aggressively promoted with a focus on the juvenile fiction and humor categories.
ISBN: 978-1-4787-1543-6 Format: 7.5 x 9.25 economy color paperback Retail $12.95
Kindle: $4.99 NOOK: $ 4.99 iPad: $ 4.99 eBook: $ 4.99
Genre: Juvenile Fiction/Humor
Learn more about The Wacky World of Wendy White! at the author's Outskirts Press page, www.OutskirtsPress.com/thewackyworldofwendywhite OR www.thewackyworldofwendywhite.com
About the Author: A native New Yorker and real estate agent, first-time author Barbara Ann Bonilla
has resided in Manhattan for more than 40 years. As an experienced home cook from a long line
of Italian chefs, Barbara is not afraid to admit that she's also a fast-food junkie with a major sweet
tooth. Her favorite meal is a Big Mac with extra special sauce. In her spare time, she watches too
much reality TV and appears on game shows. For more information about Barbara Ann Bonilla and her
book, contact the author at wendymaywhite@gmail.com.
Barbara Ann Bonilla can also be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheWackyWorldofWendyWhite,
or on Twitter @wendymaywhite1 or check out her website: thewackyworldofwendywhite.com